I heard

It came from off planet.

It is meant for America, which has grown into an Empire to destroy the people of this world.

They go to any length to rule every country.

They tell everyone world wide “do as I say, or I will punish you’, maybe I’ll just kill you with my secret military or my CIA.

America cries out in a loud voice “I’m the King of the World.”

Now God speaks ever so louder “The King is dying, I have sent my King slayer, COVID-19.”  Jesus is the King of the world not the U.S.

Now it has found a home to which will it stay maybe forever.

At least until America is rid of those God has given up on.

All people do not contract it or are immune to it.


Then Last night while lying in bed we heard the roar of a lion.

Very loud and distinctive followed by his great head appearing in the room above our heads, roaring again in anger.