I’m told it Begins in a Month *** Terrible, Just
I’ve been watching all the changes taking place all over the world, all ver
America, Europe, India and the Far east.
The vaccines have taken their sweet time spreading their hope for the future.
Still it looks bleak for the great majority of the people.
Also everything I’ve hearing looks far more bleak.
This in particular.
“In about one month Covid 19 will spread from the
western U. S. to Florida. It will go across the oceans
to and across Europe to Asia and to India and
“By the end of this year more than one million more
people will join the dead. Death will march everywhere gobbling up the soul of
the many.”
“In America Republicans will take the brunt of the attack.”
It seems the ones who are running this-- Attack of Covid19-- are “intent on
completely destroying all Republicans down to the last one”.
And by “ the end of 2023, 1.86M Americans” will have lost ththeir lives.
They have taken a particular dis-like to them and others as well.