Proxima Cantauri

The nearest star Proxima Cantauri is about 1.3 parses to the sun. A parsec is about3.5 light years.

A parsec is the distance at which 1 astronomical unit subtends an angle of 1 arcsecond.

The parsec is defined as being equal to the length of the longer leg of an extremely elongated imaginary triangle in space.


The City of Plutera is on a planet revolving around that star.

To travel to this city using the wormhole from star to star would take about one day aboard their ships.

There are three or more worlds near to us in the Milky Way Galaxy which have human life. Some of these worlds can visit us here but have a policy of non-interference. They won’t make contact until people here solve their difference and get rid of all nuclear weapons.

This was told me in April of 2015.


In 2019 a space-based telescope that was able to locate a planet around that star- Proxima- and found this planet was in the goldilocks zone, that being able to support human life.


Proxima Centauri b, or Alpha Centauri Cb, is a planet orbiting the star at a distance of roughly 0.05 AU (7.5 million km) with an orbital period of approximately 11.2 Earth days.