**The Court of Heaven
The Court of Heaven has ruled against this country on Earth if the members of the Supreme Court rule that the past president of the US has the right to break the laws in order that he can remain in office.
The Court of Heaven rules that the breaking of these laws will cause the destruction of America.
And Russia will also be destroyed because of the breaking of simular laws.
It will start by certain members of the Supreeme Court dieing almost imediatly.then almost imediadliy membes of Congress along oithers not mentioned will also start dieing.
The death of ex-president Trump will take place very soon which will be the deceision of the Court of Heaven that he ,Trump is indeed guillty.
Furthermore the death of other members of the party, Rebublican Party has already started finding Death.and will continue to exclilatebecause thaey are only half human. Flso the other half-humans will also die in very great numbersincluding Blacks.
Many others will die for the same reason. The death of this country will be joined by the Death of Russia for the simular reason.
In all, more than half of the people of Earth will find Death at this timescanning two years.
in further years , this Earth will fall victum to an Ice Age and then an Alien invaision will finish the people of the wonderful Earth.
Archangels T V
Danger For America Feb 4, 2022
I have been to a meeting of the ArchAngels and the Aliens of the Constilations Plants They are very angry at America. All of them promised to destroy all the people of America, very soon to the last man. Reprsenatives from each Planet spoke seperatly. Michael the Archangel himself spoke for all the other Archangels.
Danger! New covid 19 Strain This one will kill over half of the People of America and also half the remainder of the Whole World bad News for every one It’s coming They tell me it will be here very soon Today is October 7 2021 This is from the people who controll the world- You know who
Update- Dec3 2021 It’s Here Omicron– Future COVID-19 Variants This is the dreaded most deadly one to evolve into the world destroyer. In about two weeks the awful strain will will be spreading throughout this planet. One week before Christmas the daily death toll will approach a million souls worldwide. Shots or not this very quick killer calls on Death himself to start taking their souls to HELL. Nothing can stop him. It takes about 3 years to take over half of the worlds People. Beware those of many blood types except Type “O”. The only safe one. The ‘Angels of Life’ will stand at the doors of the “Type O Positive” This is the “Day of Judgement” From the Bible
Update- Dec 10 2021 Heard South Africa, One is incerted with the deadly Covid 19. now it spreads. China First–Then America, their military, then their goverment, then their Blacks, Republicans, Gayes and so on.
** The Future*
** Death Calls*
Death Calls
** Death Calls*
Donald Trump’s Day of Death** September 16 2020 ** UPDATE ** AS YOU SEE TRUMP DIDNOT DIE ** Don’t Always trust the Angels, There may be Devils masqurading as one of them *** I did hear “Still he is suppose to die before the election.”
The death rate of the virus starts to climb soon until it reaches the millions in America and much of the world.
The western U.S. is particurly effected.
** Something Odd*
** Birth Rate
COVID-19 Vaccine
The new COVID-19 vaccine given to those to inhibate the virus will cause Sterilty after a time. This I was told by someone from the future.
** Covid-19
** Archangel Michael Just a word
***** Biden
** Archangel Michael Just a word
** Old World
** proxima
** Stonehenge
** bomb
** It’s the Camel Not the Burro
** The World is About to Change
** Wormholes